Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 25, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Maria do Carmo

Peace be with you!
My dear children: I am the Blessed Virgin Mary. I come from heaven to bless you.
Dear children, I give you my Immaculate Heart. Accept it as your own.
Beloved children, I am your mother. I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the Queen of Peace. Receive my peace and bring it to all men. Peace, peace, peace! Pray before the cross, for peace. Your mother, this evening, comes down from heaven with her innumerable angels. Accompany me here today, my beloved and Divine Son Jesus Christ. I bring you the Child Jesus so that he may bless you: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen
Dear children, be converted. Renounce your life of sin. Come back to God. Wake up my children. The times are grave. You do not know what may befall the whole world. O beloved Amazon, do not despise my Holy Messages. O beloved Amazons, my presence as a mother, in your midst, is to grant you the salvation that comes from my Lord. I am the handmaid of the Lord and I do only His Most Holy Will.
Dear children: today the Holy Archangels also accompany me and my Divine Son to bless you.
Dear children, always say to Jesus:
O Eucharistic Jesus, come to dwell in my Heart with your Divine love and all your graces. Amen.
Our Lady, asked to repeat aloud, so that a person present at the apparition
would hear:
Son, only the priest has the right and God-given grace to forgive sins. Without confession there is no salvation.
Children, know how to care for every creature that God created. Animals should be treated with love and care, because they are God's creatures. But animals should not be treated as if they were people.
So also with trees (at this point Our Lady spoke addressing this message to Maria do Carmo).
Then Our Lady continued to tell me:
Do not destroy the world that God has created for your own good, but know how to thank God for all that he grants you with the works created by his holy hands.
Whoever destroys the works created by God has no love in his heart. He is selfish and thinks only of himself. This is a very grave sin.
Unless it is for his own profit... (Again Our Lady spoke directed to Maria do Carmo)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do not forget to live the messages of adoration that I have been asking of you, my son Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament. Go to adore Him with a pure and open heart.
Beloved children, pray that plagues do not fall on the Amazon. Pay close attention to what I am telling you. Wake up. Pray that Satan does not bring the plagues to Amazonia. Then pray a lot because, if you don't pray, you will allow all this to happen here in Amazonas. You will allow all this if you continue to sin. So sin no more. Stop sinning! Sin wounds my heart and the Sacred Heart of my Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Pray, pray, pray. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
What Our Lady asked my mother and I to repeat out loud, were the answers for the person who was there, in the midst of the faithful, leaving the person surprised and thoughtful, who then told me everything.